Tuesday 28 April 2015

I will lead the blind on their journey; by paths unknown I will guide them Isaiah 42:16

You take me by the hand.
Where are you leading me, Lord?

The journey is long and I feel I have walked alone a thousand miles,
yet now in the predawn light I see that I have never departed
from inside your heart.
Even in the darkness.

You take me by the hand and lead me
To the mountains....in your Heart
To the valleys....in your Heart
To the flight of the sparrow....in your Heart
To the desert....in your Heart
To the night....in your Heart
To the sunrise....in your Heart
To the Ocean....in your Heart
To others....in your Heart
To your cross....in your Heart
To my cross....in your Heart
To the crosses of those around me....in your Heart

With each step you lead me deeper into you
With each step I am more yours
With each step you surrender yourself to me
With each step the air grows more fragrant with your breath
With each step the silence grows more clearly into the sound of your Voice
With each step my heart changes to the rhythm of your own heart

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