Tuesday 28 April 2015

Even when I feel utterly lost and fragmented, in darkness, you are with me and we are one. You are faithful. Living together, as one. You so humble, hidden, silent. Strong. Still present and touching, transforming, loving.

The emptiness becomes intimacy. The emptiness of the desert that tore at me day and night has become the silence of your heart, present day and night. The silence that never leaves me. The solitary place where we are alone and we are one. The night I live hidden with you. The beautiful night.

You transform my reality. You transform me and all in me, and all that you give me transforms into higher love. All is gift. This is how all things work for good. All become love, all become you. You are all. You are my all.

You dont take away, you transform. All joy, all suffering, all work, all misery... you transform into gift and love. All I have you make into love's token. All is treasure from you. There is nothing that escapes your hands. Nothing passes away, but all is transformed.

You make all things new, my Love. All things.

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