Tuesday 28 April 2015

I tasted your love
I breathed your breath
I smiled in the sun
I knew your joy
I silently looked in your eyes
I traced your face with my hands
I rested in arms of love

You bring me,
My good, my love, my King,
From being before you, beholding your beautiful love, enjoying your gaze
To being darkly, painfully...

Taken by the hand to the darkness of the Garden, the intimacy of the cross
My view is no longer of you, who are within me, beside me,
But of what you see.

Dying to gaze into your eyes, I find myself gazing with your eyes.
You love from the cross and bring me to you to love with you,
With your love on your cross

Loving without sensing
Lungs burning with nothing to inhale
Gasping attempting to speak.
In the dark struggling to hold a smile.
Fumbling to give joy unfelt
Speaking of Beauty I cannot hold or behold
Alone, cold, empty reaching out to grasp- to embrace.
Dying to self.

A purer love.
A holy love.
I craved your touch, your love, your gaze
You whisper softly that you have given me all of them,
but there is more.
They not for me to delight in, but to be one with you in.
They are not my treasure, you are.
You in me and I in you. Together

A heart in a heart beating together.
Your breath in my lungs
Your Word in my voice
Your smile on my face
Your touch in my hands
Your gaze through my eyes.
All for a world who needs you.

A deeper closeness
Unbreakable, unending

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