Thursday 16 October 2014

My Jesus
There is a peace in your hiddenness
Because having nothing
And nothing having my heart
Is dark
But assures me that you want me for yourself alone.

And that only my whole heart
Is enough for you.
If I'm empty it's because I'm given to you
And it's when I seek to be full
That I lose the richness of my poverty that makes me yours.

God himself comes and banishes from his kingdom
Anything that would take His throne
Anything that would take room from him in my heart.

To be empty is to be full of His hiddenness.
To be empty is to know God is near. Is present.
Hiddenness is presence.
Emptiness fills me.

Protect what is yours, Lord
Protect the silent emptiness that is irresistible for you to fill with your hiddenness.
Protect the poverty that draws your love
Protect the weakness that draws your mercy.

But fill me with Love,
Let me Love,
Love through me.
This is proof of your presence.
In my loving others,
You love me,
We love together,
And I find you.

In forgetting myself,
True emptiness,
I love you
I serve you
I am filled with and overflow with you.
I am a vessel always empty but always full

I am a fountain over which living water flows for others to drink, and it is only in carrying this water to them that I am quenched.
Pour yourself over me, in me, through and out of me, to love me in others.

When I cease to love
I retain no love
I am dry
I can neither love nor be loved without you.

If I do not give you
I do not hold you.
I lose you.

It is when God gives me,
Pours me out,
Allows me to give Him and pour out his Love
That I am sure that I am his
And he is mine.

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