Saturday 9 August 2014

Seek him in faith and love, without seeking to satisfy yourself in anything, or to understand more than is expedient for you to know; for faith and love are the guides of the blind; they will lead you, by a way you know not, to the secret chamber of God.

Rest therefore neither wholly or in part on what your faculties can embrace; never seek to satisfy yourself with what you comprehend of God, but rather what you comprehend not; never rest on the love of, and delight in, that which you can understand and feel, but rather on that which is beyond your understanding and feeling: this is, as I have said, to seek him by faith.

Such a one loves no one else, so in the absence of the object beloved, nothing can console or relieve him.

the soul groans when the heart is enamoured, for where love wounds there is heard the groaning of the wounded one, complaining feelingly of the absence of the beloved, especially when, after tasting of the sweet conversation of the bridegroom, it fnds itself suddenly alone, and in aridity, because He has gone away.

Certain secret touches of love, which like a fiery arrow, pierce and penetrate the soul, and burn it with the fire of love. These are called the wounds of love.

The affections of the will lead most rapidly to the possession of the Beloved, whose touch it felt, and as rapidly also, His absence and its inability to have the fruition of HIm here as it desires.

Still the beloved withholds himself whicle the soul has lost all things, even itself, for Him; it obtains no compensation for its loss, seeing that it is deprived of HIm whom it loves.

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