Monday 11 May 2015

In the emptiness is presence. In the desire is the fulfillment. The nothing is where he gives all.

It seems to me...

On the cross he said "I thirst".  In his thirst was the fullness of love.  Emptiness is presence in the way that air fills the lungs.  Were it not there, it would be filled by something else... Were love not present, the desire would be quenched by something less.  Love desired, burns a deeper desire. my thirst is joined by Thirst. Unquecnhed, but unquenched fulfilled.

Christ was empty. He thirsted for love and to love. The will of the Father is what he thirsted for, and what consumed him. In his thirst is the consummation.

Emptiness pulls all else out of my weak heart like searing  heat consumes all hidden moisture, all hidden comfort. In my thirsting, he puts love where he finds no love.  He burns away what prevents thirst to the bone and burns into me a thirst that is only quenched as it is unquenchable.

That is the mystery & fecundity of emptiness. Of thirst. The living water thirsts on the cross, he fills and quenches.  To be one with him is to be filled and quenched, to fill and quench... and to thirst.

The hunger of the Bread of Life, the thirst of the Living Water, the dying of life himself.  There is nothing that remains on our journey in Him but Love.

He asked so much of Mary Magdelene... her shame, her thirst, her alabaster jars, her fidelity, her night, her emptiness.  And he loved her. As he loved her, she thirsted more until she was at the point of dying in the morning at the tomb... Dying of a love she couldn't cling to.  To go on to hold all things loosely, but always give love. Give love while all else falls from your hands, give love from an empty dark heart.  In the desert allow the spring of living water, the Thirst of God, to flow and to quench even as you die of dryness. Noli me tangere.... but love.

Love from the darkness, from and in His darkness, in the darkness of a world lost where his heart is present.  He is with Him in his passion, his night, Show them he is there by a faith that dares joy. Suffering with them... thirsting to love.  Be faithful to the one who thirsts in your emptiness, to the burning heart that loves in darkness. The light meant to illuminate the night.  Salt and light are love.  Be present in your mundane, in your darkness, in suffering with those who suffer... but with love.

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