Wednesday 13 May 2015

Absence and Presence

Sometimes God's absence is his Presence...
In it he carves out in me a deeper desire, 
and a deeper capacity to receive him and be filled by him, 
to belong more to him, and him to me.

Jesus, my God,
The gifts are beautiful. The bouquets of love, smiles, friendships, family, joys... fragrant, bright, exquisite... The love letters you send me in the sunshine, the trees, the poetry around me...

But it's not enough.  With all gratitude but with an unfulfilled and aching heart I beg, give me yourself.  Your beautiful gifts make me want to share them with you.... in you... and some how increse the pain of your absence.  I want to share a life with you, share a heart with you.  I want you, Lord....

Give me perfectly Yourself,
Send me no more
A messenger
Who cannot tell me what I wish.

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