Thursday 6 November 2014

Yesterday in adoration, Jesus showed me his love in a new way, a way I had never thought of or experienced.  Praying before the Blessed Sacrament, beside me was the statue of the Divino Nino. I have never had any kind of special devotion to the Child Jesus, so I really didn't pay any attention to it at all.

But while I was praying,  I felt His love as the happy, unconditional, joyful, innocent, trusting, uncomplicated love of a child with someone he loves.  Warm, beautiful, pure, simple, radiant and all embracing - like the arms of one of my little boys around my neck.  

It made me realize....This is how the Son loves His Father. This is the love He wants me to share with him.  This is the love he invites me into. The love he gives to me as well. This is how he prays to the Father.

This is how he wants me to love the Father as well...

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