Thursday 6 November 2014

Sitting with my Beloved I asked him to show me how to pray. 
He held my gaze and gently said 'Our Father in Heaven...'

An invitation.
A request for permission to go to a  deeper place,
a silent question, 'Do you trust me?'

A promise of love, that he leads me by the hand.
He won't leave me.

Perfect love casts out all fear. I am not afraid.

"Father, they are your gift to me..." John17:24.... "Father, Kerrie is your gift to me..."

All I know of the Father is in this and it changes everything.

He loved me into existence as a gift to the Word himself, and loved me enough to give me his beloved Son as my Redeemer and one true love.

I am created in the Love of the Father as a gift for the Son. 

He has given me to His Son, the fulfillment of my heart, in his love for me, and esteems me with so much love that he sees me a Worthy gift to His only Son.

In the eyes of almighty God, the Father, who loves His Divine Son infinitely, I am a worthy gift for him, a gift worth him humbling himself to become Man and to die for.

God the Father allowed his Son to die so that he could give me to Jesus as a gift.

What is this love? Who are you Father?

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