Thursday 6 November 2014

Yesterday in adoration, Jesus showed me his love in a new way, a way I had never thought of or experienced.  Praying before the Blessed Sacrament, beside me was the statue of the Divino Nino. I have never had any kind of special devotion to the Child Jesus, so I really didn't pay any attention to it at all.

But while I was praying,  I felt His love as the happy, unconditional, joyful, innocent, trusting, uncomplicated love of a child with someone he loves.  Warm, beautiful, pure, simple, radiant and all embracing - like the arms of one of my little boys around my neck.  

It made me realize....This is how the Son loves His Father. This is the love He wants me to share with him.  This is the love he invites me into. The love he gives to me as well. This is how he prays to the Father.

This is how he wants me to love the Father as well...

Sitting with my Beloved I asked him to show me how to pray. 
He held my gaze and gently said 'Our Father in Heaven...'

An invitation.
A request for permission to go to a  deeper place,
a silent question, 'Do you trust me?'

A promise of love, that he leads me by the hand.
He won't leave me.

Perfect love casts out all fear. I am not afraid.

"Father, they are your gift to me..." John17:24.... "Father, Kerrie is your gift to me..."

All I know of the Father is in this and it changes everything.

He loved me into existence as a gift to the Word himself, and loved me enough to give me his beloved Son as my Redeemer and one true love.

I am created in the Love of the Father as a gift for the Son. 

He has given me to His Son, the fulfillment of my heart, in his love for me, and esteems me with so much love that he sees me a Worthy gift to His only Son.

In the eyes of almighty God, the Father, who loves His Divine Son infinitely, I am a worthy gift for him, a gift worth him humbling himself to become Man and to die for.

God the Father allowed his Son to die so that he could give me to Jesus as a gift.

What is this love? Who are you Father?

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Seeking God - St Teresa of Avila

Soul, you must seek yourself in Me
And in yourself seek Me.

With such skill, soul,
Love could portray you in Me
That a painter well gifted
Could never show
So finely that image.

For love you were fashioned
Deep within me
Painted so beautiful, so fair;
If, my beloved, I should lose you,
Soul, in yourself, seek Me.

Well I know that you will discover
Yourself portrayed in My heart
So lifelike drawn
It will be a delight to behold
Yourself so painted.

And should by chance you do not know
Where to find Me
In yourself, seek Me.

Soul, since you are My room,
My house and dwelling,
 If at any time
Through your distracted ways
I find the door tightly closed,

Outside yourself seek Me not,
To find Me it will be
Enough only to call Me,
Then quickly will I come,
And in yourself seek Me.

Monday 3 November 2014

Abide in God in the secret place
of thy soul as tranquilly as though
there had already risen upon thee
the dawn of Eternity, the unending
Day of God.

-St Albert the Great
Night feels dawn's soft approach
In early light
Emptiness is revealed as silence
Silence of absence
Silence of presence
of stillness,
Desire and Promise touch.

Unpronounced words of the Word
Waiting chalice beneath the pierced heart of the crucified
Light of sunrise promising the Son
Crescendo of desire and trust.

Lifted, In arms of pure light
Wordless voice
Silently speaking all
In stillness taking me away
Into Love Himself

Silence of Breath
Beneath wings that stretch and lift unburdened
To places unknown in a new flight
To the Sun
To love

Silence that embraces
Silent Love
Beautiful Silence
Veiled face of beauty Himself
Gentle burn
Constant desire and complete embrace in a timeless moment.

Sunday 2 November 2014