Wednesday 12 August 2015

The gift given in silence is His heart.  To receive it I need a space- a throne, shaped to a Heart. So my own heart must be empty, a heart shaped emptiness.  My heart is pierced to be capable of accepting the thorns crowning His.  My wounds must open and fit to the wounds he bears, I must be hollowed, consumed, emptied to hold the Flame of his love.

And he will not rest until my heart is ready for His. Until his heart beats in mine. Closer, every advance carving, shaping the space he needs.
God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him Gen 1:27
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my            soul knows it very well. Ps 139:14
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus Eph 2:10

The sword that pierces his heart cuts into mine as he draws closer. His thirst draws my thirst, his love carving a cavern that only Love can fill.  To have his heart I must have his passion- accompany him into surrender, into emptiness, into silence. With faith.  His faith alive in me, carving the throne of His heart in my own.

To receive, I must be empty.  A space must be within me.  To receive God, a great and sacred space must exist, a silence.  A silent space carved in prayer, joy, tears, emptiness, love.  The vines of the garden pruned, the dethroning of treasured things that he will replace.

Trust in the carving, expose your heart constantly to his hand.  Welcome his touch, his cut, his silence.